Bookdetails - The East and the West

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The East and the West
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Swami Vivekananda

In this book the author paints on a vast canvas the salient features of the Oriental and Occidental civilizations and shows that every nation is an expression of an idea; that every nation has got a distinctive role to play as far as the preservation and strengthening of the world order is concerned; that there ought to be swapping of these ideas with an open mind to make for a healthy world order. The author, in his inimitable style, and at times in a humorous and sarcastic vein, brings out the different colourful traits of both the Orientals and the Occidentals, which not only keep the readers engrossed, but also rouses in them a sense of respect and honour for all the civilizations of the world.

Cover Type: PB

Pages: 112

Category: Swami Vivekananda, Comparitive Study

Language: English

AU $ 3.00

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Soft-brained people, weak-minded, chicken-hearted, cannot find the truth. One has to be free, and as broad as the sky. -Swami Vivekananda


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