Ramayana and Mahabharata, as also the vast pauranika literature, form the basis for the various cults and sects that have woven the texture of the variegated Hindu fabric. Among the various puranas, however it is the Bhagavata that has earned a pre-eminent place for itself, not only for its philosophical content and devotional fervour, but also for its exquisite literary beauty. The greatest achievement of the Bhagavata is the projection of the Krsna saga and the Krsna personality in the most poetical, and yet, powerful and graceful language. If Krsna remains the darling of millions of Hindu hearts even today, it is not a little due to this matchless work. ISBN
All is the Self or Brahman. The saint, the sinner, the lamb, the tiger, even the murderer, as far as they have any reality, can be nothing else, because there is nothing else.
-Swami Vivekananda