Bookdetails - My Faithful Goodwin

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My Faithful Goodwin
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Pravrajika Vrajaprana

Swami Vivekananda's sublime message has come down to the world mostly through his extempore addresses. It was Goodwin who took down the words hot from the lips of the great Swami and passed them on to mankind, for which the world will ever remain indebted to him. This book describes how at the touch of the Swami the soul of Goodwin got awakened and he was transformed into an all-sacrificing disciple.

Cover Type: PB

Pages: 120

Category: Memoir, Others-Biography

Language: English

AU $ 3.00

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All Titles : Pravrajika Vrajaprana All Titles in Category: Memoir, Others-Biography

Freedom can never be reached by the weak. Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong, and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself. -Swami Vivekananda


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