Spiritual Treasures - Letters by Swami Turiyananda
Swami Chetanananda
Swami Turiyananda was, without doubt, one of the spiritual giants of twentieth century India. This collection of letters of the great Swami will appeal both to the spiritual seeker and the more academically inclined student of Hindu spirituality. The former will find in these pages inspiration and practical instruction, especially for dealing with periods of spiritual dryness. The latter will gain insight into the Vedantic path and methods of spiritual direction. The words of these letters resonate with extraordinary power and compassion arising out of the Swami's profound God-experience, of which they are profound evidence.
I am the thread that runs through all these pearls, and each pearl is a religion or even a sect thereof. Such are the different pearls, and God is the thread that runs through all of them; most people, however, are entirely unconscious of it.
-Swami Vivekananda