Bookdetails - Vedanta for the Common Man

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Vedanta for the Common Man
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Swami Sarvagatananda

This compilation of lectures on Vedanta by Swami Sarvagatananda helps the reader envisage the perfect relationship between the most ancient Vedantic truths and the later developed religious thoughts and bases them on the same principle of oneness, which naturally harmonizes different religions and transcends belief systems.

Cover Type: PB

Pages: 92

Category: Philosophy, Vedanta

Language: English

AU $ 4.00

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All Titles : Swami Sarvagatananda All Titles in Category: Philosophy, Vedanta

Jnana teaches that the world should be given up, but not on that account to be abandoned. To be in the world but not of it -- is the true test of the sannyasin. -Swami Vivekananda


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