The book is fairly a comprehensive study of the Social Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda, who is hailed today as a prophet of human emancipation in many parts of the world. The author shows that Vivekananda�s Social Philosophy based on Vedanta (recognized by many as the background philosophy of modern science) contains a revolutionary concept of �Man�, a revolutionary concept of �Religion� and a revolutionary concept of �Revolution� itself.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything shall be added unto you. This is the one great duty, this is renunciation. Live for an ideal, and leave no place in the mind for anything else. Let us put forth all our energies to acquire that which never fails--our spiritual perfection. If we have true yearning for realization, we must struggle, and through struggle growth will come. We shall make mistakes, but they may be angels unawares.
-Swami Vivekananda