Consolations Swami Ramakrishnananda
Culled from the Letters of Swami Ramakrishnananda. ... PB Pages: 32
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Exploring Harmony among Religious Traditions in India
Exploring Harmony among Religious Traditions in India A Compilation
India had remained a land of religious harmony from very ancient times till the country attained independence. Religious freedom, toleration and harmo ... HB Pages: 386
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First Meetings with Sri Ramakrishna
First Meetings with Sri Ramakrishna Swami Prabhananda
When people met Sri Ramakrishna for the first time, he responded to them in different ways, according to their inner nature. This carefully researched ... PB Pages: 416
I am no metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am poor and I love the poor. I see what they call the poor of this country and how many there are who feel for them!
-Swami Vivekananda