The Purusasukta: An Exegesis Swami Harshananda
A humble attempt to present the abstruse but sublime teaching of this important and popular Vedic mantra in as simple a manner as the subject permits. ... PB Pages: 47
Tolstoy and Vivekananda Dr. A.P. Gnatyuk-Danil'chuk
A lecture given by Dr. A.P. Gnatyuk-Danil'chuk (Professor of Bengali Language and Literature, Moscow University) in Bengali on Tolstoy and Vivekananda ... PB Pages: 32
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True Religion Always Helps Swami Budhananda
From the womb to the tomb and beyond, if there is one single thing which helps all, in all required ways and always, it is True Religion. This booklet ... PB Pages: 62
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Universal Temple: Its need, significance and unique features
Universal Temple: Its need, significance and unique features G. Venkataramana Reddy
This booklet explains the rich and varied architectural features and profound social and spiritual significance of the Universal Temple dedicated to S ... PB Pages: iv+28