Books by Category - Holy Mother-Biography

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Titles in the Category "Holy Mother-Biography". Total 11 matches:
Displaying records 1 to 10
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Book Image
A Short Life of Holy Mother
A Short Life of Holy Mother
Swami Pavitrananda
In the following pages will be found the story of a life which was lived so silently and unostentatiously that its very simplicity was bewildering. Ye ...
PB    Pages: 96
AU $ 2.00

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Holy Mother
Holy Mother
Swami Nikhilananda
PB    Pages: 356
AU $ 10.00


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Holy Mother: Sri Sarada Devi
Holy Mother: Sri Sarada Devi
Swami Gambhirananda
An exhaustive life of Holy Mother incorporating as many facts and incidents of Mother's life as could be gleaned from all reliable sources, oral and d ...
PB    Pages: 540
AU $ 20.00

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Inspiring Lives E
Inspiring Lives E
A Compilation
This book contains short lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda, as well as some of their teachings. ...
PB    Pages: 64
AU $ 1.00


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Life and Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi
Life and Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi
A Compilation
PB    Pages: 64
AU $ 2.00

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Sarada Devi: A Biography in Pictures
Sarada Devi: A Biography in Pictures
Swamis Smaranananda and Gitananda
The life of Sri Sarada Devi, popularly known as Holy Mother amongst the devotees, is an enigma. On the surface, it appears to be just a homely life of ...
HB    Pages: 112
AU $ 20.00

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Sri Sarada Devi: Life and Teachings E
Sri Sarada Devi: Life and Teachings E
Swami Tapasyananda
Specially subsidized. ...
PB    Pages: 141
AU $ 4.00

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Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother
Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother
Swami Tapasyananda
In the life of Sri Sarada Devi we find artless simplicity, purity, and self-dedication?qualities that make her the ideal of the motherhood of God. An ...
PB    Pages: 358
AU $ 10.00

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Sri Sarada Devi: The Mother of All
Sri Sarada Devi: The Mother of All
Swami Atmasthananda
PB    Pages: 88
AU $ 3.00

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The Compassionate Mother
The Compassionate Mother
Brahmachari Akshayachaitanya
Holy Mother Sarada Devi's life was an enigma even to those who lived in her proximity. Every time we sneak down the trail of her life, we are baffled ...
HB    Pages: 396
AU $ 18.00


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What I want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel, inside which dwells a mind of the same material as that of which the thunderbolt is made. -Swami Vivekananda


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