Books by Category - Householder Disciples

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Titles in the Category "Householder Disciples". Total 5 matches:
Displaying records 1 to 5

Book Image
A Short Life of 'M'
A Short Life of 'M'
Dharm Pal Gupta
PB    Pages: 117
AU $ 5.00

In Stock

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Life of 'M' and Ramakrishna Kathamrita
Life of 'M' and Ramakrishna Kathamrita
Dharm Pal Gupta
HB    Pages: 534
AU $ 23.00


M' the Apostle and the Evangelist (Set of 16 volumes)
PB    Pages:
AU $ 146.00

In Stock

Nag Mahashay
Saratchandra Chakravarty
Nag Mahashaya was a Householder Disciplesiple of Sri Ramakrishna. His was an extraordinary life of simplicity, renunciation, purity, and service. In t ...
PB    Pages: 143
AU $ 3.00

In Stock

Book Image
They Lived With God
They Lived With God
Swami Chetanananda
HB    Pages: 496
AU $ 30.00



We are ever free if we would only believe it, only have faith enough. You are the soul, free and eternal, ever free, ever blessed. Have faith enough and you will be free in a minute. -Swami Vivekananda


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