The Charm and Power of the Upanishads Swami Ranganathananda
Let the lion of Vedanta roar, and the foxes (of fear and hatred) will fly to their holes', said Swami Vivekananda. It is that lion roar which we get i ... PB Pages: 56
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The Message of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
The Message of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Swami Ranganathananda
Brhadaranyaka Upanishad - This book presents a lucid exposition of select portions of this Upanishad in the light of modern thought and modern needs. ... PB Pages: 740
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The Message of the Upanishads Swami Ranganathananda
A masterly and yet lucid exposition of the Isha, Kena, and Katha Upanishads suited to our times by an outstanding savant sage this era has produced.Th ... PB Pages: 626
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The Message of Vivekachudamani
The Message of Vivekachudamani Swami Ranganathananda
Shankaracharya's Vivekachudamani itself does not need any introduction. It has always occupied the highest position among books dealing with the scien ... HB Pages: 624
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The Philosophical and Religious Lectures of Swami Vivekananda
Astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a weak mind; therefore as soon as they are becoming prominent in our minds, we should see a physician, take good food, and rest.
-Swami Vivekananda