Titles in the Category "Indian Culture". Total 48 matches: Displaying records 1 to 10 1 234Next  
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Alayam: The Hindu Temple
Alayam: The Hindu Temple G. Venkataramana Reddy
Alayam means a temple. While temples have been built in India and elsewhere for millennia, not, not many people know about the grand science and philo ... PB Pages: 128
An Introduction to Hindu Culture Swami Harshananda
The book presents a panoramic view of Hindu culture in all its aspects from the ancient days to the end of the medieval period. ... PB Pages: 136
AU $ 6.00
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Art, Culture and Spirituality
Art, Culture and Spirituality An Anthology
Prabuddha Bharata, an English monthly journal of the Ramakrishna Order, has trodden a long and arduous path for the last hundred years. Throughout thi ... HB Pages: 624
Bhagavan Buddha and Our Heritage Swami Ranganathananda
The contributors to India's cultural heritage have been innumerable. Of them, history has left for the posterity the accounts of just a few. This illu ... PB Pages: 72
AU $ 2.00
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Cradle Tales of Hinduism
Cradle Tales of Hinduism Sister Nivedita
This book is a collection of traditional Indian nursery-tales told by Sister Nivedita in her inimitable style. Myths and legends are the vehicle of hi ... PB Pages: 332
Encyclopaedia of Hindu Civilization Customs and Traditions
Encyclopaedia of Hindu Civilization Customs and Traditions Shailendra Sengar
India is one of the Ancient Civilization of the world. The underlying Efficiency of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization is remarkable. The ancient I ... HB Pages: 280
I am no metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am poor and I love the poor. I see what they call the poor of this country and how many there are who feel for them!
-Swami Vivekananda