Books by Category - Monastic Disciples

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Titles in the Category "Monastic Disciples". Total 48 matches:
Displaying records 21 to 30
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Sri Ramakrishna: Our Refuge
Sri Ramakrishna: Our Refuge
Swami Ramakrishnananda
Swami Ramakrishnananda's genuine love and concern for others, his profound scholarship and unshakable faith and steadiness and his practical counsel's ...
PB    Pages: 68
AU $ 3.00

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Swami Abhedananda in America
Sister Shivani
HB    Pages: 314
AU $ 15.00


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Swami Abhedananda: A Spiritual Biography
Swami Abhedananda: A Spiritual Biography
Moni Baghchi
HB    Pages: 480
AU $ 24.00


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Swami Abhedananda: The Patriot Saint
Swami Abhedananda: The Patriot Saint
Ashutosh Ghosh
PB    Pages: 70
AU $ 3.00


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Swami Akhandananda
Swami Akhandananda
Swami Annadananda
The Great Light that was Sri Ramakrishna disappeared from mortal gaze in 1886. But before it went out, other lights had been kindled from that immorta ...
HB    Pages: 304
AU $ 10.00

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Swami Akhandananda
Swami Annadananda
The Great Light that was Sri Ramakrishna disappeared from mortal gaze in 1886. But before it went out, other lights had been kindled from that immorta ...
PB    Pages: 304
AU $ 7.00


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Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
A Compilation
Swami Brahmananda was Sri Ramakrishna`s spiritual son and the first President of the Ramakrishna Order. This is a compilation of the personal accounts ...
HB    Pages: 588
AU $ 25.00

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Swami Premananda: Love Incarnate
Swami Premananda: Love Incarnate
Swami Swahananda and Prasun De
Swami Premananda, one of the sixteen monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, was the very embodiment of Divine Love. None could ever come in touch with ...
PB    Pages: 240
AU $ 8.00

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Swami Ramakrishnananda
Swami Ramakrishnananda
Swami Tapasyananda
Swami Vivekananda chose the orthodox Swami Ramakrishnananda to establish Sri Ramakrishna?s teachings in southern India, because he felt that he was 'u ...
PB    Pages: 270
AU $ 6.00

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Swami Ramakrishnananda: A Portrait in Pictures E
Swami Ramakrishnananda: A Portrait in Pictures E
A Compilation
The story of the life and times of Swami Ramakrishnananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, and of the early days of the Ramakrishna Movement in ...
HB    Pages: 120
AU $ 25.00

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I have been asked many times, Why do you laugh so much and make so many jokes? I become serious sometimes--when I have a stomachache! The Lord is all blissfulness. He is the reality behind all that exists. He is the goodness, the truth in everything. You are His incarnations. That is what is glorious. The nearer you are to Him, the less you will have occasions to cry or weep. The further we are from Him, the more will long faces come. The more we know of Him, the more misery vanishes. -Swami Vivekananda


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