Books by Category - Others-Biography

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Titles in the Category "Others-Biography". Total 61 matches:
Displaying records 1 to 10
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A Short Life of 'M'
A Short Life of 'M'
Dharm Pal Gupta
PB    Pages: 117
AU $ 5.00

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Bhakti Schools of Vedanta
Bhakti Schools of Vedanta
Swami Tapasyananda
Lives and philosophies, as well as spiritual practices advocated by the founders of the major Vaishnava philosophical schools: Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Mad ...
PB    Pages: 364
AU $ 10.00


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Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar
Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar
Dr. Jaladhi Kumar Sarkar
Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar was a leading Homoeopath of Kolkata during the second half of the nineteenth century. He was also blessed by providence to be S ...
PB    Pages: 167
AU $ 8.00

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Eminent Indian Women
Eminent Indian Women
A Compilation
This is an abridged version of the book 'Great Women of India'. ...
PB    Pages: 180
AU $ 10.00

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Girishchandra Ghosh
Swami Chetanananda
HB    Pages: 495
AU $ 25.00


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Glimpses of Great Lives
Glimpses of Great Lives
Swami Tathagatananda
This book is a collection of articles highlighting the excellences of some great men and women. Their luminous characters will surely inspire the read ...
PB    Pages: 259
AU $ 7.00


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Great Women of India
Great Women of India
Edited by Swami Madhavananda
This excellant volume, containing twenty-four valuable articles from the pen of eminent writers and a scholarly introduction by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, ...
HB    Pages: 570
AU $ 20.00


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How a Shepherd Boy Became a Saint
How a Shepherd Boy Became a Saint
Swami Chetanananda
The book presents the fascinating life of Swami Adbhutananda, the only unlettered monastic disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. About him Swami Vivekananda ha ...
HB    Pages: 496
AU $ 15.00


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Indian Saints and Mystics
Indian Saints and Mystics
Pravrajika Shuddhatmaprana
Twenty-seven well-researched biographical sketches of Indian saints and mystics beginning with Nivritti, Jnanadeva, Sopana and Muktabai and ending wit ...
PB    Pages: 296
AU $ 13.00

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Joesephine MacLeod
Joesephine MacLeod
Pravrajika Prabuddhaprana
Joesephine MacLeod' presents the reminiscences, conversations, letters, and autobiographical notes of a woman who, in her love for India and for Swami ...
HB    Pages: 518
AU $ 18.00


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What I want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel, inside which dwells a mind of the same material as that of which the thunderbolt is made. -Swami Vivekananda


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