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Titles in the Category "Scriptures". Total 123 matches:
Displaying records 31 to 40
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Devi Mahatmyam or Durga Saptasati (Roman)
Swami Jagadiswarananda
To call on God as Mother is a characteristic featuer of Hinduism. Devi-Mahatmyam or Durga-Saptasati, also popularly known as Chandi, is one of the sac ...
PB    Pages: 173
AU $ 8.00

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Drg Drsya Viveka
Drg Drsya Viveka
Swami Nikhilananda
PB    Pages: 70
AU $ 3.00


Eight Upanishads (Vol 1 & 2)
Swami Gambhirananda
HB    Pages: 952
AU $ 35.00


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Eight Upanishads (Vol. 1)
Eight Upanishads (Vol. 1)
Swami Gambhirananda
HB    Pages: 436
AU $ 18.00

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Eight Upanishads (Vol. 2)
Eight Upanishads (Vol. 2)
Swami Gambhirananda
HB    Pages: 512
AU $ 18.00

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Four Upanishads
Four Upanishads
Swami Paramananda
English translation of the Isha, Kena, Katha, and Mundaka Upanishads with commentary. ...
PB    Pages: 148
AU $ 4.00

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Ganesa Gita
Swami Harshananda
PB    Pages:
AU $ 1.00


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Holy Scriptures
Holy Scriptures
A Compilation
A symposium on the great scriptures of the world. ...
PB    Pages: 312
AU $ 7.00

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HOW TO KNOW GOD: The Yoga Aphorisms Of Patanjali
HOW TO KNOW GOD: The Yoga Aphorisms Of Patanjali
Swami Prabhavananda
A major work on the practice of yoga and meditation. Learn how you can control your mind and achieve inner freedom and peace through methods taught fo ...
Pages: 224
AU $ 14.00


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Isha and Mundaka Upanishad
Isha and Mundaka Upanishad
Swami Bhaskareshwarananda
PB    Pages: 127
AU $ 9.00


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I have been asked many times, Why do you laugh so much and make so many jokes? I become serious sometimes--when I have a stomachache! The Lord is all blissfulness. He is the reality behind all that exists. He is the goodness, the truth in everything. You are His incarnations. That is what is glorious. The nearer you are to Him, the less you will have occasions to cry or weep. The further we are from Him, the more will long faces come. The more we know of Him, the more misery vanishes. -Swami Vivekananda


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