Cradle Tales of Hinduism Sister Nivedita
This book is a collection of traditional Indian nursery-tales told by Sister Nivedita in her inimitable style. Myths and legends are the vehicle of hi ... PB Pages: 332
AU $ 14.00
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Footfalls of Indian History Sister Nivedita
Here the author?in her inimitable style?gives a glimpse of the past glories and drawbacks of India in a nutshell. She has discussed the most important ... PB Pages: 524
AU $ 9.00
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Kali the Mother
Kali the Mother Sister Nivedita
Kali the Mother is a collection of excellent essays on the Divine Mother of the Universe, written from an intensely personal point of view blended wit ... PB Pages: 112
AU $ 3.00
Pravrajika Atmaprana
... PB Pages: 64
AU $ 3.00
Myths and Legends of the Hindus and Buddhists
Myths and Legends of the Hindus and Buddhists Sister Nivedita and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
Philosophy, ritual, and mythology are the three pillars of all ancient religions. But in India in particular, mythology has been an extremly important ... HB Pages: 412
Religion and Dharma Sister Nivedita
This book comprises the essays written by Sister Nivedita in the early years of the twentieth century to uplift and arouse the young men and women of ... PB Pages: 164
I am no metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am poor and I love the poor. I see what they call the poor of this country and how many there are who feel for them!
-Swami Vivekananda