Titles in the Category "Spiritual Life". Total 145 matches: Displaying records 1 to 10 1 234Next  
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A Call to the Eternal
A Call to the Eternal Swami Ashokananda
The topics discussed in this book pertain not to any particular event in history, but deal essentially with the broad sweep of the modern age and with ... HB Pages: 288
AU $ 8.00
A Disciple's Journal
A Disciple's Journal Sister Gargi
This book is Sister Gargi's memoir of the time spent in the company of her beloved teacher, Swami Ashokananda, between 1950 and 1970. She uses journal ... PB Pages: 296
Common Sense About Yoga Swami Pavitrananda
The main object of this book is to discuss the science of Yoga in as simple and rational a manner as possible, and also to debunk some of the nonsense ... PB Pages: 88
I am no metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am poor and I love the poor. I see what they call the poor of this country and how many there are who feel for them!
-Swami Vivekananda