Titles in the Category "Sri Ramakrishna". Total 60 matches: Displaying records 51 to 60Previous  345 6 
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The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Red-letter edition)
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Red-letter edition) Swami Nikhilananda
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendrana ... HB Pages: 1062
AU $ 50.00
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Royal) Swami Nikhilananda
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendrana ... HB Pages: 1062
The Visions of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Yogeshananda
Most of the recorded mystical experiences of Sri Ramakrishna are retold in a chronological narrative. ... HB Pages: 142
The World Sri Ramakrishna Knew Dr. Jaladhi Kumar Sarkar
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' is one of the greatest contributions to the biographical and spiritual literature of the 20th century. The most beautif ... PB Pages: 96
Worship of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Atmapriyananda
This book details the daily worship that is being performed in the shrines of the Ramakrishna Order all over the world. This will also help devotees w ... PB Pages: 200
Avoid excessive merriment. A mind in that state never becomes calm; it becomes fickle. Excessive merriment will always be followed by sorrow. Tears and laughter are near kin. People so often run from one extreme to the other.
-Swami Vivekananda