Titles in the Category "Vedanta". Total 54 matches: Displaying records 1 to 10 1 234Next  
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A Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta
A Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta Nirod Baran Chakravarty
Advaita Vedanta is the pinnacle of Indian thought, and Sanskrit texts dealing with Advaita Vedanta are the crest-jewel of Sanskrit literature. This wo ... HB Pages: 256
Aspects of Vedanta HC Compiled
A collection of articles by well-known scholars, culled mainly from the pages of the Cultural Heritage of India. The purpose is to present to the publ ... HB Pages: xvi+348
Journey from Many to One Swami Bhaskarananda
Advaita Vedanta is not a mere intellectual system or just a philosophy but a fact of experience. Advaita, with its message of oneness of Existence, ma ... PB Pages: 204
Living Wisdom: Vedanta in the West A Compilation
A comprehensive, thought provoking exploration of the various aspects of Vedanta, offered to us by some very competent writers like Huston Smith, Chri ... PB Pages: 299
I am no metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am poor and I love the poor. I see what they call the poor of this country and how many there are who feel for them!
-Swami Vivekananda