Bookdetails - Strive to Attain God

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Strive to Attain God
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Swami Virajananda

This book is a compilation of some of the important writings and lectures of Swami Virajananda who was one of those first four monks to be initiated into sannyasa by Swami Vivekananda, and later, the sixth President of the Ramakrishna Order. These thought-provoking writings display the author's deep reflection on the Ramakrishna Movement, its great founders, some of its pioneers, and its guiding principles. Many of them also throw light on some aspects of the glorious spiritual heritage of India.

Cover Type: HB

Pages: 248

Category: Spiritual Life, Teachings

Language: English

AU $ 8.00

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All Titles : Swami Virajananda All Titles in Category: Spiritual Life, Teachings

The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It is the fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven in a moment. -Swami Vivekananda


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