Bookdetails - Srimad Bhagavata � An introduction

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Srimad Bhagavata � An introduction
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Swami Tapasyananda

A comprehensive but concise introduction to the Bhagavata. Besides giving all relevant details about the historicity and origin of Srimad Bhagavata and its philosophy, it provides an impetus for undertaking a complete study of the scripture.

Cover Type: PB

Pages: 114

Category: Scriptures, Mythology

Language: English

AU $ 3.00

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All Titles : Swami Tapasyananda All Titles in Category: Scriptures, Mythology

Avoid excessive merriment. A mind in that state never becomes calm; it becomes fickle. Excessive merriment will always be followed by sorrow. Tears and laughter are near kin. People so often run from one extreme to the other. -Swami Vivekananda


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